Information  Assurance and Cyber Defense

Graduation requirements for Information Assurance and Cyber Defense concentration

In addition to 39 credit hours of courses in general education, a student in Information Assurance and Cyber  Defense concentration will take 41 credit hours of computer science major courses required by BS in  computer science major, take 15 hours of cognate courses in math and sciences, and take the student  will required by the concentration. In addition, 15 semester hours of cognate courses are required.

Required courses in General education (39 Hours)

  • ENGL 111 English Communication I 
  • ENGL 112 English Communication II 
  • ENGL 205 Human Literary Heritage 
  • FRSM 101 Freshman Year Experience I (2 Hours) 
  • FRSM102 Freshman Year Experience II (2 Hours) 
  • HIST 221 Intro. to African American History 
  • HLFW 129 – Lifetime Fitness (1 Hour) 
  • HLFW Activity Course (1 Hour) 
  • HUMN 211 Human Heritage I 
  • SPCH 101 Speech Communication 
  • MATH 130 College Algebra 
  • MATH 145 Pre-Calculus 
  • Nat Sci 1 
  • Nat Sci 2  • SOSI 111 Intro to Power, Society

Required courses for Computer Science major (41 hours)

  • COSI 120 Introduction to Technology 
  • COSI 200 Introduction to Cybersecurity 
  • COSI 223 Introduction to Programming + Lab (4 hours) 
  • COSI 225 Advanced Programming + Lab (4 hours) 
  • COSI 240 Discrete Mathematics 
  • COSI 320 Computer Organization and Assembly Language 
  • COSI 330 Data Structures 
  • COSI 335 Algorithms 
  • COSI 345 Database Management 
  • COSI 350 Programming Languages 
  • COSI 410 Operating System 
  • COSI 455 Computer Science Project • COSI 460 Capstone
  • COSI 455 Computer Science Project • COSI 460 Capstone

Required cognate courses (15 hours)

  • MATH 201 Analytical Geometry and CalculusI 
  • MATH 310 Statistical Methods 
  • 8 hours of lab science, choose from the following courses:  
    • PHYS 201 + Lab / PHYS 202 + Lab 
    • CHEM 101 + Lab /CHEM 102 + Lab  
    • BIOL 101 + Lab /BIOL 102 + Lab

Required courses for Information Assurance and Cyber Defense Concentration (18 Credit Hours)

  • COSI/ITEC 310 Introduction to UNIX 
  • COSI 355 Digital Forensics 
  • ITEC 440 Advanced Networking (3) 
  • ITEC 435 Network Security (3) 
  • CRJS 355Cyber Ethics and Cyber Law (3) 
  • CRJS 465 Forensic Evidence (3)

Eventually, the student need 7 credit hours of selected major courses from the following list.

  • COSI 425 Artificial Intelligence (3) 
  • COSI 314 Data Visualization (3) 
  • COSI 450 Special Topics (3) 
  • COSI 499 Computer Science Co-Op (3) 
  • ITEC 305 Web Page Development (3) 
  • ITEC 315 Client-Side Web Programming (3) 
  • ITEC 415 Server-Side Web Programming (3) 
  • ITEC 350 Database Programming (3) 
  • ITEC 445 Database Administration (3