
Affirmations by Oludara Adeeyo, LCSW

  • I choose to find people who make me feel safe and supported.
  • I make time to process strong emotions.
  • I give myself permission to create boundaries with family.
  • I reject societal standards that don’t align with me.

Affirmations from

60 Affirmations for Black Women

Taken from

Affirmations for Healthy Relationships

  • I am allowed to be myself and show people who I am.
  • I allow people to show up for me.
  • I am loving, loved, and lovable.
  • I attract genuine friendships with people who want the best for me.
  • My connections with others are steeped in good intentions.
  • I create space for people to show up for me.
  • I find strength in vulnerability.

Affirmations for Self-Love

  • The love I have for myself increases my capacity to love others.
  • I am always headed in the right direction.
  • By shining my light, I help others shine theirs.
  • I don’t have to earn my worth.
  • I belong in any space I walk into.
  • I focus on what gives me energy. My energy serves as my compass.
  • Being me is how I win.
  • I am my best source of inspiration.
  • I am loved and supported.
  • My self-worth is high.
  • I am the best version of myself just as I am.
  • I find new ways to come home to myself each day.
  • I am unconditionally worthy.
  • I am gentle with myself through all transitions.
  • Regardless of the outcome, I am supported.
  • My feelings are valid and I honor them all.
  • I allow myself to feel so I can heal.
  • My magic speaks for itself.

Affirmations to Guide Your Glow-Up

  • I am stepping into my power.
  • I inhale my dreams and exhale my fears.
  • I release what doesn’t reciprocate my energy.
  • I trust the timing of my life.
  • I find peace through discipline.
  • I am becoming a better version of myself each day.
  • My energy is palpable when I walk into a room.
  • How others perceive me doesn’t define me.
  • I have everything to gain by releasing the grip of shame.
  • By acknowledging my inner child, I am one step closer to healing.
  • I accept radical responsibility for creating my dream life.
  • My heart and mind are open and ready for new experiences.
  • I am energetically aligned to all I desire.
  • I find small ways to receive each day.
  • I achieve my goals by focusing on one at a time.
  • I don’t need all the answers to remain grounded in this moment.
  • I am clear and direct with my manifestations.
  • I tap into my magic by trusting my intuition.
  • My actions match my goals
  • My greatest glow-up is internal.
  • I manifest things as they should be, not as I want them.
  • I attract what I want by being what I want.

Affirmations for Wellness

  • I honor my commitment to take care of myself.
  • Pausing is an act of self-compassion.
  • Play is necessary and restorative.
  • I move my body in ways that bring me joy.
  • Rest is a top priority for me.
  • By doing less, I am able to receive more.
  • I fill my free time with freedom.
  • When I get overwhelmed, I turn to my breath.
  • My play is as important as my work.
  • I can unplug and remain informed.
  • I prioritize my peace.
  • My greatest luxuries are stillness, peace, and simplicity.
  • The chaos around me is no match for the calmness within me.

Morning Affirmations for Men of Color

Taken from

  • I have the power to accomplish my goals.
  • I face challenges with resilience and strength.
  • I act with courage and confidence.
  • I face trials and challenges head-on.
  • I am capable and worthy of success.
  • I am worthy of an amazing partnership.
  • I am a blessing to those around me.
  • I feel free to express my emotions.
  • I don’t have to be strong at all times.
  • I am worthy of love and belonging.
  • My vulnerability is a strength.
  • I am proud of the man I am becoming.
  • I am valued in my work, home, and community.
  • I am committed to being my best self. 
  • I define masculinity for myself. 
  • I can handle tough situations.
  • I am brave.
  • I bravely strive to better myself.
  • I am in touch with my emotions.
  • My emotions are worthy.
  • I am worthy of love.
  • I love myself.
  • I am resilient.
  • I can change my thoughts.
  • I can’t control others.
  • I am able to ask for help when I need it.
  • I am an asset to my job.
  • I can be a man in whatever way I choose to be.
  • I’m grateful for everything in my life.
  • I view setbacks as an opportunity for growth.
  • I am clear in my goals and work towards them each day.
  • I walk into every room with confidence and self-assurance.
  • My goals and dreams are valid and meaningful.
  • I am humble and learn from my mistakes.
  • I have a lot to offer in my relationships. 
  • I have prepared for this.
  • I embrace the joys and messiness of fatherhood.
  • I am a good father—one who is allowed to be imperfect and make mistakes.
  • I strive every day to be a good role model.
  • I am willing to learn and grow as a parent.