The Fine Arts and Humanities Division seeks to cultivate people capable of critical discernment and aesthetic sensibility who engage their lives with thoughtful and joyful purpose. We encourage students in their study of art, music, communication, literature, and religion to develop the knowledge and skills to speak and write effectively, to think carefully about their lives and the broader society, to have a critical eye and ear, to confront injustice creatively, and to seek lives of meaningful service.
The faculty of the Fine Arts and Humanities Division invites students to join the soulful joy of creating beauty, making music, telling stories, exploring the diverse experiences of humanity, and searching the mystery of the divine. Our field of inquiry is the rich vastness of human life. We discover and express art, song, literature, and faith. We gather to share the fullness of human life, ask questions about life’s meaning, and seek ways to live together in light of the journeys of our ancestors and our present challenges.
We invite our students to appreciate, celebrate, and make art, music, poetry, and stories. We call our students to delight in how art, music, and language draw upon, describe, and inform human experience. We hope our students will be open to sacred visions of how life ought to be.
In the Fine Arts and Humanities, we explore the contours of our souls as we seek a more soulful life. We engage in the soul work of music and art, critical thinking, clear writing, and persuasive speech.
We hope that through our classes, students will enter the lifelong task of living fully human lives. Attuned to the soul, embracing the rich interplay of inner and outer lives, we join our students in the quest for meaning and purpose in life.
Areas of Study:
Fine Arts and Humanities offers areas of study in Art, English, Humanities, Foreign Languages, Journalism and Mass Communication, Music, Philosophy, and Religion.
Available Majors:
Art, English, Journalism and Mass Communication, Music, Interdisciplinary Studies, and Religion, all leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree. Religion is also available as a BA or AA degree through the Accelerated Studies for Adult Professionals (ASAP) program.